Lord knows how this happened, but I'm on the Tea Party e-mail list. My colleague, fake consultant, has always counseled knowing one's "enemy" as a wise course of action. He tends to try to change hearts and minds, but that would be a lost cause in this case. One doubts either are working well in these folks. I kept this relationship going for opposition research purposes only.
I'll let you be the judge. What follows will be "their" take (courtesy of Sher Zieve) and then how things seem to me.
Chicago-Boss Obama and Democrats' Unprecedented Attack against American People
For the first time since the loyalists to King George III and the British army moved against the American colonists and patriots, the US government is moving en masse to both stop and silence any opposition from the American people to Obama and any and all of his and his Marxist-Democrats.
I'll hold back here a bit and suggest they might be exaggerating. As I recall it was the "patriots" that attacked.
While watching Thursday's faux Obama-organized Health Care Summit (planned as a day of photo-ops and sound-bites for Obama's 2012 campaign), it became clear to me and others that the Democrat leadership had and have no intention of listening to sound arguments against the ObamaCare Death Plan, Cap & Trade or any of the other ulterior-motive clandestine procedures they have planned against We-the-People.
Actually, the topic was President Obama's first proposal for health care reform. The idea was to ask for objections coupled with suggestions for alternatives. He got plenty of the former and none of the latter.
Instead, Harry Reid had already announced the day before - Wednesday - that he and the Dems would affect reconciliation (the "ramming and shoving" process), probably next week, in the Senate in order to force the despotic ObamaCare Death Plan onto us. Note: Reconciliation - incorporating a simple and not a super majority - is supposed to be used for budgetary items.
Is majority rule suddenly un-American? And I think this matter involves the budget in some small way.
In fact, this Obama "summit" quickly degraded and devolved into Obama shutting down any and all Republican who offered alternate proposals and opposing comments while Democrats engaged in ongoing "kiss the tyrant" moments. In fact, Obama told Republicans that he could speak as long as he wanted because - "I'm the president!" Apparently, the rest of the Democrat leadership believed the same about their own self-inflated self-importance as comment-time from the far-left was twice as long as comments from the right. Note: That's also "right" as in "correct."
Surely this writer must have observed that the Republicans present offered no proposals - other than to "start over". Rope-a-dope is what Muhammed Ali called it.

Obviously, English isn't this person's first language. Why doesn't he/she learn the thing or get lost? And shame on someone leading an important discussion asking the participants to stick to the topic.
During much of the time Representative Eric Cantor (R-VA) was quoting directly from one of the voluminous Democrat ObamaCare plans, Obama refused to make eye contact with him and, with increasingly tightly-pursed lips, started shuffling through some of the papers in front of him. Note: This was a Judge Judy moment. Whenever this happens on her television show, Judge Judy Sheindlin says sternly to the offender: "Put down your papers and look at me!" Wish she'd been there.

As long as any of the Marxist-Democrat Party members are in power, their abuses of said power will continue to escalate. This is what despots do. When asked at the Obama-Summit if the Democrat leadership was even listening to the American people, the response was either silence or a quick change of the subject.
Actually President Obama outranks Judge Judy. I imagine he was also getting a bit bored and somewhat resentful of having his time wasted by obstructionists reciting the same old nonsense.
Not since the first American Revolution War officially began in 1775 has the oppression against We-the-People from an opposition government been so intense and so relentless. Now, for the first time in our history, the majority leadership within the US Government is moving against its own people with increasing alacrity, force and determination. They have told us and continue to shout to us in myriad ways that they will refuse to listen to anything we say unless it is to thank them (our new "masters") for placing us into bondage and slavery.
Despite increasingly overwhelming opposition from the American people to Obama's and the Democrats' Orwellian plans for us, they are moving even faster and harder to oppress us and shut us up. This is how tyrannies are formed, folks. And we are now firmly smack-dab-in-the-middle of our own.
By Sher Zieve Friday, February 26, 2010
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