Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Truthout 4/28

Noam Chomsky | A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (but Won't)
Noam Chomsky, "The fact that the Israel-Palestine conflict grinds on without resolution might appear to be rather strange. For many of the world's conflicts, it is difficult even to conjure up a feasible settlement. In this case, it is not only possible, but there is near universal agreement on its basic contours: a two-state settlement along the internationally recognized (pre-June 1967) borders - with 'minor and mutual modifications,' to adopt official US terminology before Washington departed from the international community in the mid-1970's."
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Wall Street Grins as Washington Fiddles
Jim Hightower, Truthout: "Performing a public service was undoubtedly the last thing on the minds of the geniuses who created Abacus 2007-ACI - but I, for one, am grateful to them. Abacus is an infamous investment package created by the financial alchemists at Goldman Sachs. It fell into infamy because it is the convoluted scheme that has recently caused mighty Goldman to get its tail caught in a crack."
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Marjorie Cohn | Arizona Legalizes Racial Profiling
Marjorie Cohn, Jurist: "The conservative 'states' rights' mantra sweeping our country has led to one of the most egregious wrongs in recent U.S. history. New legislation in Arizona requires law enforcement officers to stop everyone whom they have 'reasonable suspicion' to believe is an undocumented immigrant and arrest them if they fail to produce their papers. What constitutes "reasonable suspicion"? When asked what an undocumented person looks like, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who signed SB 1070 into law last week, said, 'I don't know what an undocumented person looks like.'"
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Oklahoma Senate Overrides Abortion Bills' Veto, but Challenge Has Already Emerged
Grace Huang, Truthout: "Though the Oklahoma Senate voted on Tuesday to override Gov. Brad Henry's veto of two abortion bills, the Center for Reproductive Rights has already filed suit, calling the laws unconstitutional. One of the bills requires a woman to get an ultrasound at least one hour prior to an abortion and to be given a detailed explanation of it. Though three other states require ultrasounds, none require the description of the fetus."
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Tom Tomorrow | This Modern World
Truthout is proud to offer Tom Tomorrow, whose award-winning political cartoon, "This Modern World," is now a regular Truthout feature. To quote documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, "All Hail Tom Tomorrow!"
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A Black Panther and a Goldman Sachs Banker Walk Into a Bakery ...
Andrew Birnbaum, Truthout: "Black Panther George Jackson wrote about black men imprisoned for 'some form of food getting.' If these men were seeking a necessity, what were the Goldman Sachs bankers seeking when they contributed to the economy's collapse?"
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Rage and Rebellion: How Will the Left Respond?
Bernard Weiner, Truthout: "Like a lot of progressives, I've been puzzling over the Tea Party phenomenon. Many on the left choose to believe that the hundreds and sometimes thousands who attend the group's rallies are the same old extreme rightwingers who always have been around - usually content to remain isolated individuals or small groups in the shadows but this time encouraged out in the open by incitement from the Far Right media."
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Tunneling for Life in Gaza
Max Ajl, Truthout: "Naseem has a closely-cropped goatee, and was wearing glasses and a black Fila sweatshirt when I met him. He is a bit heavy-set, and is 25 years old. The same as me, I tell him. Last December, he spent a couple of full days underground. He wasn't spelunking - he was practically buried alive."
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Catching Benazir's Killers: Can Islamabad Confront Army?
J. Sri Raman, Truthout: "On April 15, 2010, a United Nations commission of inquiry into the assassination of Pakistan's former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, made its report public. This first step towards solving the terrible crime and settling the case - consisting of preliminary findings and pointers - has taken nearly 28 months. How much longer will it take for the process to be taken to its logical conclusion?"
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Air Force Officer to Be Discharged for Being a Lesbian Speaks Out
Mary Susan Littlepage, Truthout: "The 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy, which bars gays and lesbians from serving openly in the US military, has climbed back onto the national stage in recent days. Last week the Air Force announced it plans to discharge a lesbian officer who has stayed open about her sexual orientation."
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Red State Road Trip 2: Bull Fries (Video - Part IV)
Chris Hume, Truthout: "In 2005, filmmaker and Truthout reporter Chris Hume took the nation's pulse. He traveled to the forgotten corners of America, and let the people speak. In the pivotal year of 2008, he traveled even further. Chris and his partner Amy Sunshine Moon explored a country on the edge of financial ruin. Political gang colors aside, this is more of a celebration of a people as they struggle to survive in a harsh new landscape."
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The Man to See Suddenly Isn't
Ruth Marcus: "It isn't easy being a caucus of one. Sometimes you don't even agree with yourself. Just last month, South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham - the Senate Democrats' indispensable man on immigration reform - was insisting that President Obama 'step it up' on immigration if he hoped to see results."
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Arizona: This Is What Apartheid Looks Like
Roberto Cintli Rodriguez, Truthout: "Those who think there's an immigration crisis in Arizona are correct. However, this is but part of the story. The truth is, a civilizational clash is being played out in the same state in which the state legislature questions the birthplace and legitimacy of President Barack Obama and where Sen. John McCain competes with Senate hopeful J.D. Hayworth to see who is the most anti-immigrant."
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Punching Holes in the Pink Ceiling
Deb Price, Truthout: "The gay community has a strong shot this year at punching another hole in the pink political glass ceiling: The breakthrough would be adding an openly gay non-incumbent to Congress in back-to-back elections for the first time in history. Two years ago, Democrat Jared Polis of Colorado was elected, raising to three the number of out gay lawmakers serving in the House. In the process, Polis shattered a barrier by becoming the first openly gay man elected to Congress as a non-incumbent."
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21st Century Populism
Bill Moyers Journal: "In this special 90-minute finale to Bill Moyers Journal: With distrust of the federal government at a historic high and Americans disillusioned with a government run by and for the powerful, Bill Moyers sits down with populist Jim Hightower to look at the history and legacy of people's movements and discuss how ordinary people can reclaim political power. The Journal also travels to Iowa where one group has been helping ordinary citizens fight for change for more than three decades."
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The Death of Satire: Riverkeeper Honors Governor For "Environmental Advocacy"
Dan Bacher, Truthout: "Political satire in the United States officially died on April 14. That's when Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the chief prosecuting attorney for the Hudson Riverkeeper, honored Arnold Schwarzenegger, the worst governor for fish and the environment in California history, for his 'environmental advocacy.'"
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Parents, Just Ignore the Eye Rolling and Teach Your Kids About Sex
Connie Schultz, Truthout: "When it comes to memories you can't pound out of your head with a mallet, few rival the staying power of that moment when we discover how babies are made. For me, it was really a series of excruciating epiphanies in the span of a fifth-grade afternoon in 1967."
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Interior Department Approves First Offshore Wind Power in the US
Mark Clayton, The Christian Science Monitor: "The Interior Department has approved the Cape Wind project, clearing the way for the first offshore wind power in the US. The long-embattled Cape Wind project won federal approval today, marking a major step toward becoming the first US offshore wind-power project and paving the way for a new source of renewable energy for America."
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