As Congress Takes Break, Obama Names 15 Recess Appointments
William Douglas and Margaret Talev, McClatchy Newspapers: "President Barack Obama reignited a partisan fight over appointments Saturday when he announced his intention to fill 15 key vacant administration positions - that normally require Senate approval - while Congress is adjourned for vacation."
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No One Should Be Above the Law
Michael Gass, Truthout: "In 1776, our founding fathers made a bold pronouncement: that all men are created equal, that we were endowed with inalienable rights, and, among these were Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Enshrined in our Constitution were more bold pronouncements: that no man could be deprived of his rights, that no man [is] above the law, and, that our government was designed to protect these rights."
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Capital Sins
Leslie Thatcher reviews Sophie Gherardi's witty - and dead-on - 'novel of the financial crisis,' 'Capital Sins': "If Voltaire were to write about today's financial crisis, there might be a bit more sting, but no more elegant turns of phrase and clarity. The Enlightenment, 'Les Lumieres' - literally, 'The Lights' - in French, occurred during the darkest days of the Ancien Regime, a period not wholly unlikely our own, characterized by runaway cronyism, state-sanctioned monopolies, huge disparities in wealth, massive scams, an inflammatory press and highly variable access to the justice system."
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A Whole New Ballgame
Robert Elias, Truthout: "A few days ago, I turned on the radio and heard the dulcet tones of San Francisco Giants broadcaster Jon Miller announcing this year's first spring training game. I thought, 'Ah, baseball is finally back and all is well in our national pastime, our country and the world.' Of course, that's not true, so my reverie was cut short."
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Arundhati Roy: Becoming Internal Security Threats (Video)
Laura Flanders, GRITtv: "Novelist, activist, journalist, internal security threat? Arundhati Roy joins us for a special conversation about her journey into the forest in the heart of India to talk to Maoist revolutionaries."
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Reagan Redux Could Pay for Health Care
Gerald E. Scorse, Truthout: "'A fiscal Frankenstein'; so said Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) about the health care bill just passed by the Congress. Soulmate Republicans echoed his warning, predicting budgetary doom."
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Rabbits and Red Butte
Mary Sojourner, Truthout: "The little birds in the front yard are pale gray. When they arc through the evening, sunset turns their belly feathers to petals of flame. I've just read Thomas Newton's prediction to Dr. Bryce. It had seemed important to look up from the book and see what was around me - the Engelmann Spruce, the apple tree, sunflowers on their way to autumn light. But it is the underbelly feathers of the little birds that bring Thomas Newton's words alive."
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Part III: Obama Continues Bush's Iran Policy
Daan de Wit, DeepJournal: "'America's Pro-Israel Lobby', as AIPAC calls itself, holds the biggest conference in its history today, yesterday and the day before in Washington. 'This year, the lobby has built its annual conference, and its entire lobbying agenda around the issue of Iran', writes Haaretz."
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