What Torture Is and Why It's Illegal and Not "Poor Judgment"
Andy Worthington, Truthout: "It's now over two weeks since veteran Justice Department (DOJ) lawyer David Margolis dashed the hopes of those seeking accountability for the Bush administration's torturers, but this is a story of such profound importance that it must not be allowed to slip away."
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Clinton Call to Netanyahu: Israel Settlement Move a "Deeply Negative Signal"
Joshua Mitnick, The Christian Science Monitor: "Underscoring tensions over the Israel settlement issue, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly criticized an ill-timed announcement of 1,600 new housing units in a call to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu."
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Snake Oil Salesmen: Big Oil and Hip-Hop Don't Mix
Tolu Olorunda, Truthout: "It is hard, I understand, to speak ill of a rapper or MC making business moves to better their living and, in some cases, enrich the communities from which they emerged. But if you adhere blindly to a 'can't knock the hustle' philosophy, there's a good chance you feel the same of the 'snitching code,' meaning, in deference to a morally decrepit conception of solidarity, you're willing to put at risk the lives of innocent victims."
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Antiwar Activists Plan Nationwide Protests to Mark 7th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion
Mary Susan Littlepage, Truthout: "Antiwar activists are gearing up to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq with a weeklong series of events to protest the ongoing occupation of the country."
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Froma Harrop | Coming Between You and Your Doctor
Froma Harrop, Truthout: "The lights must dim around Google's data-storage centers every time someone does a search for 'government bureaucrat coming between you and your doctor.' Foes of the Democrats' health-reform proposals have been chanting this on the hour for a year - with a surge after Democrats put money for "comparative effectiveness research" in the stimulus bill."
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Pakistan: Suicide Bomb Attacks in Lahore Cap Particularly Grim Week
David Montero, The Christian Science Monitor: "Suicide blasts rocked Pakistan’s cultural capital of Lahore for the second time this week, killing at least 45 people Friday and rebuffing notions that recent arrests and killings of Taliban leaders have weakened the militants' capacity to strike deep inside the country."
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Robert Reich | The Sham Recovery
Robert Reich, RobertReich.com: "Are we finally in a recovery? Who's 'we,' kemosabe? Big global companies, Wall Street, and high-income Americans who hold their savings in financial instruments are clearly doing better. As to the rest of us – small businesses along Main Streets, and middle and lower-income Americans – forget it."
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The Tonton Macoutes: The Central Nervous System of Haiti’s Reign of Terror
David Aponte, Council on Hemispheric Affairs: "Few countries in the hemisphere have suffered through such an extensive run of unqualified repressive regimes and military dictatorships as Haiti.... Certainly, the main tool for the maintenance of the regime’s grasp on the population through much of this period was the 'Tonton Macoutes,' renamed in 1971 as the Milice de Voluntaires de la Securite Nationale —MVSN (Volunteers for National Security). Although this organization no longer formally exists, its legacy of paramilitary violence and sheer brutality still contorts Haitian modern political and economic cultures."
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Rachel Corrie Case Stirs Fresh Pain and Hope
Ashley Bates, GlobalPost: "Shortly before Rachel Corrie was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer on March 16, 2003, she said in a video interview that she marveled at Palestinians' ability to 'hold onto their humanity as much as they have.' Seven years later, Corrie’s friends in the Gaza Strip are planning a remembrance ceremony in her honor. They are also following news of the civil court trial under way in Israel."
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