Friends, as many of you may know, my term as pastor at St. Adalbert will finish at the end of June. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I will take up a new ministry in Santiago, Chile. Before that time, I would like to provide some support for St. Adalbert. I will be walking 500 miles on the ancient pilgrimage route, the Camino de Santiago de Compostela.
Please, read the attached letter and consider making a gift. You may already know that St. Adalbert School serves the lowest income children of any school in our Diocese while also achieving "exemplary" status under the criteria of the Indiana Department of Education. We sincerely appreciate your support.
While I walk, I will update folks on my progress via Facebook. You can also follow me on Twitter!
Also, I would be honored to bring your prayers and intentions with me as I walk the Way of St. James. May God bless you and your loved ones.
Fr. Chris Cox, C.S.C.
St. Adalbert Parish
South Bend, IN
1 June 2010
Dear friends of St. Adalbert,
The Catholic Church has recognized three ancient pilgrimage routes: Jerusalem, Rome, and Santiago de Compostela. Santiago de Compostela, situated in northwest Spain, is a land where St. James the Great, brother to St. John the Evangelist, preached, and the Cathedral, according to tradition, is above his tomb. For more than 1,000 years, Catholics have walked across Europe to visit this great saint.
A month from today, I will depart from South Bend. I will begin the journey at Lourdes in France. In all, from the French border, I will walk more than 500 miles over the next 35 days.
As you may know, I am concluding nine years of service on South Bend's West Side, the last six as pastor of St. Adalbert and St. Casimir. Toward the end of the year, I will begin a new assignment in Santiago, Chile. This pilgrimage is a time of prayer and renewal for me prior to taking up my new ministry. I also hope that this journey will be fruitful for our beloved St. Adalbert.
St. Adalbert needs our help. Certainly, I will take your prayers and intentions with me on this journey, but I would also ask your support for St. Adalbert Parish. Please, consider making a gift to St. Adalbert Parish on the occasion of this pilgrimage.
Thank you for your time, consideration, and prayers!
Amount Pledged:_________________
Address:______________________________ (Please, make checks payable to St. Adalbert)
City, State Zip:_________________________
Fr. Chris, please, pray for this intention during your pilgrimage:
St. Adalbert Parish/ 2505 W. Grace St./ South Bend, IN 46619
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