Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Truthout 6/29

BP in the Gulf - the Persian Gulf
Stephen Kinzer, TomDispatch: "To frustrated Americans who have begun boycotting BP: Welcome to the club. It's great not to be the only member any more! Does boycotting BP really make sense? Perhaps not. After all, many BP filling stations are actually owned by local people, not the corporation itself."
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General Petraeus Hearing to Put Afghanistan War, Not Him, in Hot Seat
Dan Murphy, The Christian Science Monitor: "Gen. David Petraeus's confirmation as the new commander for the Afghanistan war is virtually assured at the Capitol Hill hearing Tuesday, but not before he takes tough questions from skeptical legislators about the wisdom of a nine-year war that is seeing its deadliest month for foreign troops."
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NYT Attacks "Border" With False Rant of Pro-Coup Reporter
Robert Naiman, Truthout: "No reasonable person would have bet serious money that news editors at The New York Times would be huge fans of Oliver Stone's new documentary about South America, 'South of the Border.' A key point of the film is that mainstream US press coverage of South America in recent years has generally followed State Department priorities more than objective news standards."
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News in Brief: At Confirmation Hearing, Kagan Tries to Keep Quiet, and More ...
Kagan faces day two of confirmation hearings; not expected to face opposition, Petraeus faces Senate confirmation hearing; US-Russia relations grow cold; G20 protesters rallied against violent police crackdowns outside police headquarters in Toronto on Monday; Chicago's removal of handgun ban is setback for gun control advocates.
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BP Killing Endangered Sea Turtles in "Burn Fields" (Video)
Catherine Craig interviews boat Capt. Mike Ellis, who was hired by BP and the Coast Guard to help rescue endangered Kemp's ridley turtles. He describes what he sees on the frontline of the effort to save the turtles and shares his firsthand account of BP corralling the turtles and burning them alive.
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After Supreme Court Ruling, Will Gun-Control Laws Be Under Siege?
Mark Guarino, The Christian Science Monitor: "Gun-rights advocates say that a US Supreme Court ruling today will embolden them to challenge gun-control laws in cities across the country. The ruling says that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms applies to every jurisdiction in the country - throwing doubt on a Chicago law that bans handguns in the home."
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Brown-Nosing Wall Street Reform
Zach Carter, The Media Consortium: "More than two years after the collapse of Bear Stearns, the House and Senate finally ironed out their differences on Wall Street reform in the wee, small hours of Friday morning. The bill now goes back to both the House and Senate for final approval, but it's fate in the Senate is uncertain following the defection of Tea Party Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA)."
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Drugsters in Academia: How Big Pharma "Educates" American Doctors
James Ridgeway, The Unsilent Generation: "The pharmaceutical industry has wormed its way into the hearts and minds of the medical professions in any number of ways - wining and dining doctors, sending them off to vacation in splendid spas, and even buying their names to put on industry-written articles promoting different drugs."
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Eugene Robinson | Byrd's Change and Redemption
Eugene Robinson: "'End of an era' is an overused trope, but in this case it's appropriate: The last of the old Southern Democrats is gone. Sen. Robert Byrd had long since repented, of course. The West Virginian, who died Monday at 92, deeply regretted his segregationist past, which included a year as a member of the Ku Klux Klan and at least several more years as a Klan sympathizer."
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Australia's New PM Called On to Tackle Climate Change
Stephen de Tarczynski, Inter Press Service: "Australia's newly appointed prime minister, Julia Gillard, has hardly warmed her seat, yet she has already been urged to take action on climate change."
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McChrystal Tells Pentagon He'll Retire
Nancy Youssef, McClatchy Newspapers: "Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal told the Army Monday that he intends to retire, military officials said, less than a week after President Barack Obama fired him as the commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan."
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Outsourcing Security: Defense Manufacturing Goes the Way of the Automobile
John Lasker, Truthout: "From the microchips that fly F-16s and activate nuclear warheads, all the way down to the lowly (but deadly) bullet, more and more US military weapons are being made overseas by foreigners. Some experts say that outsourcing defense contracts not only costs Americans jobs and America's connection to the war, but one of the nation's most essential assets, as well: its security."
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Facebook and Muslim Outrage: Gleaning the Wrong Lesson, Again
Ramzy Baroud, Truthout: "'Any depictions of the prophet are considered blasphemous by Muslims,' wrote Agencies, as reported readily by Aljazeera.net English. The above statement is meant to fully summarize the reason behind the outrage that arises in Pakistan and other parts of the Muslim world whenever some provocative 'artist' decides to express his freedom of expression and 'expose' Muslims as anti-democratic. Such a simplistic interpretation of such an intricate issue."
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