Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Assess candidate's record before voting

From today's South Bend Tribune

Last year the Human Rights Commission voted unanimously to request the Common Council amend our Human Rights Ordinance to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in employment. The commission has been unable to investigate several cases since there is no ordinance against such discrimination.

Only three of the nine council members voted for the amendment: Oliver Davis, Al Kirsits and Ann Puzzelo. All other council members voting against the amendment were unable to separate their own prejudice from public policy issues. They seemed to be saying if you're perceived to be GLBT you deserve to be fired if your boss is prejudiced against your orientation. People should be judged on work performance and nothing else. And speaking of work performance, if we choose to run for public office we are sworn to represent a diverse community and be sure all are protected against discrimination in employment. If we cannot separate our own prejudices from public policy issues then we should step away from public office.

The truth is EEOC says most businesses love diversity and seek welcoming cities to locate in. When voting on May 3 be sure you know where the candidates stand on this issue. Visit South Bend Equality's website at for survey results.
Penny Hughes
 Chairperson, South Bend Human Rights Commission

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