William Rivers Pitt | The Bad Old Days
William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: "Someone once told me that I'm the kind of guy who runs toward a fight. He said it like it was a bad thing - pretty much because I was fighting with him at the time - but I never forgot it, and have since taken it as a badge of honor. There's nothing wrong with running to the sound of the guns if the struggle is brutal, vital, and in need of another body, especially if one more person can make a difference."
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The Hidden Tragedy of the CIA's Experiments on Children
H.P. Albarelli Jr. and Dr. Jeffrey S. Kaye, Truthout: "From early 1940 to 1953, Dr. Lauretta Bender, a highly respected child neuropsychiatrist practicing at Bellevue Hospital in New York City, experimented extensively with electroshock therapy on children who had been diagnosed with 'autistic schizophrenia.' In all, it has been reported that Bender administered electroconvulsive therapy to at least 100 children ranging in age from three years old to 12 years, with some reports indicating the total may be twice that number."
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Primary Returns Show Mixed Bag
Yana Kunichoff, Truthout: "The predicted anti-incumbent rage in the midterm elections has proved more complex on the ground, as some victories of established legislatures are won with ease and others continue to fight the wrath of the American voter."
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Jim Hightower | New Outrages Keep Gushing From BP
Jim Hightower, Truthout: "With BP's well capped and CEO Tony Hayward exiled to Russia, perhaps you thought that surely there will be no additional revelations about BP to enrage you. But now comes this: prison labor. In its national PR blitz to buff up its image, the oil giant has loudly been boasting that it has hired devastated, out-of-work local people to handle the clean-up."
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Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan: Beyond the Body Count
Mike Ludwig, Truthout: "The United Nations announced on Tuesday that the rate of civilian casualties in Afghanistan is reaching an all-time high as the US-led occupiers escalate a war that has ravaged the country since 2001. The report proves that the situation is getting worse for the people of Afghanistan amid allegations that coalition governments have attempted to cover up recent civilian massacres. The report tracks 2010 civilian casualties up to June 30, and does not include the consequences of escalated fighting during July."
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Michael Winship | The Wall and the Mosque: Divide and Unite
Michael Winship, Truthout: "The current fight over the building of an Islamic study center near Ground Zero here in Manhattan is reminiscent of another battle nearly thirty years ago. Then, too, ignorance, rage and prejudice threatened to destroy the creation of something intended to help mend a grievous wound and foster understanding and reconciliation."
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House Sends $26 Billion in Aid to States for Teachers, Medicaid
David Lightman, McClatchy Newspapers: "States will get $26.1 billion in the next few months so they can open their school years with fewer layoffs and help pay health care benefits for the poor. The House of Representatives approved the new spending on Tuesday by 247 to 161, and President Barack Obama signed it."
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In Place of Mental Health Care, Are Some Troops Being Evangelized?
William J. Astore, Truthout: "Yesterday, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) and Veterans for Common Sense sent a startling letter to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. It alleged that the military has sent some psychological casualties to chaplains for counseling, rather than to mental health care professionals for diagnosis and treatment."
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Tom Tomorrow | This Modern World
Award-Winning political cartoonist Tom Tomorrow paints the absurd universe that results when conservatives deny, distort and rewrite reality.
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Dahr Jamail | "Blood on Our Hands"
Dahr Jamail, Truthout: "While most media continue to ignore the US-installed disaster in Iraq, author Nicolas Davies refuses to do so, and his book 'Blood on our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq' could not be released at a better time."
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